Tuesday, January 3, 2012

#2: So Far, So ... Let's just keep it at "So Far."

^^Day Two Attitude^^

I started this new year out of town so that wasn't super helpful. Not being in my own place with my own groceries, plus driving for 4 hours and not having real food to choose from made it slightly challenging. Day 1 was a success, minus the tortilla that my chicken burrito from a truck stop somewhere South of Waco, came wrapped in. Couldn't really do much about that tho. The rest of the choices were fried, sugar, or flour products. But I ate a healthy carb-less dinner and went to bed. 

Maybe going to bed will be my best defense??

Then Day 2 (Yesterday) I was at home with a family of people who insisted on testing my will power all day. I made eggs for breakfast and was fine. Then I started dinner in the crock pot so I could be certain to not be starving at the time of cooking. 

If you are nothing like me and need that explained, starving and cooking equals eating HORRIBLY. 

So dinner in, errands to run. Went grocery shopping to stock the house with more foods that I can eat without worrying. And what do I come home to? My nephew making deep fried PB&Js!!!!! And two of my other kids baking chocolate chip cookies.  




But I didn't cheat. And I deserve an effing medal for that!

I have to admit, my resolve is strong. I was not hungry, but I was feeling unsatisfied. I want something sweet and I have been unsuccessful at finding no-carb sweets. I know there are lots of sugar-free desserts but they aren't necessarily low-carb. Boo. I have settled on Vanilla Coke Zero for the moment. *SO SAD*

I am going to have to quickly find foods that eliminate the sweets cravings because i really am not the biggest fan of sweets. or grains for that matter. Truth is, I thought this would be easier because I don't prefer pastas, breads, potatoes. I definitely DISLIKE rice. I don't usually crave sugar. But, of course, tell me that I can't have it and now it's all I want. So last night I went to bed full but craving something. Just not sure what the something was. 

This morning, DAY THREE, however, I'm much better. I did wake up exhausted, but I attribute that to late night conversating, not a lack of carbs. And I quickly made my requisite coffee and then a little chorizo and egg scramble. Now I'm sitting here thinking about a big old salad. 

Stupid YUMMY salad

My attitude is much better today and I'm actually feeling positive about getting thru this. 

I think my biggest challenge in this will be to feel like I'm not over-eating fats because I can really only eat protein and veggies. That could be an interesting way to flip it in another month: NO FATS  aka  "no fun"!

No need to point out that it's only Day 3. At 12:05Pm. And that 92% of the month remains. But thanks. 

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