Friday, January 4, 2013

When Your Boss Says JUMP, How High Is Too High??

Yesterday and today have been hard days for me. They are part of a week that's been hard every year for the last 3 years. The sad came over me yesterday afternoon and made my evening particularly emotional. Today was like wading thru slog from the moment I woke up. 

I want to honor my dad's memory not get stuck in the sadness of it all. I want to find a way to remember him in light, yet a spirit of sadness somehow creeps its way in every year. 

Try as I might to relish the good and savor the memories, this week casts a shadow over my moods. 

Interestingly, one of the great comforts has been that I haven't had to deal with my phone. For everyone I love who is reading this, I don't mean to offend. It has simply been nice to be in the quiet comfort of solitude. I spend these days emotional and a bit in a fog so having no contact is probably better. I'm not much good for anyone, really. Good timing for this Challenge, I think

My boss, however, is not impressed. She does not like that she cannot text me at any time. I've promised to have the phone on when I am not in the office during work hours so that staff can call or email me. I have agreed not to be unavailable to my job. She was clear that she'd prefer my phone be on. She wants to text or call. I have explained she can call THE DESK and EMAIL just the same. 

We are at an impasse, I'd say. 

I don't want to have to give in on the Challenge. I don't like the suggestion made today that I leave it on but only reply to her texts and ignore the rest. That isn't the point. And that will continue to have me slave to the phone, tied to the constant-instant-communication I'm trying to break from this month. I don't see what difference it makes. There are so few people who have my cell phone and NOT my work phone, that it's not right to say that people won't be able to contact me. And I'm certain she really is only concerned about her own contact, anyway. 

Truthfully, I've enjoyed the break from my phone-the quiet-the calm-the solace so much that I've contemplated how I can continue some level of this No Cell Phone deal when February comes knocking. How bad would it be if I got rid of the SmartPhone and moved back to some low-key flip phone? Really? I could text or talk if need be, but I would get to be secluded somewhat too. 

So, here I am enjoying the break, happy in the quiet. There she is demanding that I rejoin the loud chaos - at least from 7:00am-5:00pm Monday - Friday. 

Where exactly do I draw this line?

When your boss says jump ... 

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