Where "Master" = "I own it!" and "Domain" = "February Challenge."
That's what's up.
I have found a way for the gym to fit into my schedule. I love it when I go. I love finding the time. I like dripping wet with sweat from hard-ass work. I like the feeling of hunger in my belly after a good workout and heading home to cook a good breakfast.
I'm really glad I picked this as the second Challenge. January was hard which I needed because ... I guess because I'm a gluten for punishment. I'm laughing at myself because I don't know what reason I really thought I was about to give. But it was good for me - I had to work hard at it, it wasn't a simple Challenge, it made me work work work. Yes, actually, thanks for asking. I DO prefer to work hard.
Certainly I learned some lessons from the January Challenge and I try to eat better and make better food and nutrition choices. But this month's Challenge has really been great for me. I have been wanting to be back in the habit of the gym and this really helped. The reality of my life is that 6 days a week at the gym is not going to happen. And the more I try to make myself make that happen, the more I make myself CRAZY.
These last few days have been a good mix. I had two good gym sessions, plus I worked up a great sweat helping someone move. You carry a bunch of furniture and household goods down a long path, up some stairs, etc. and tell me you don't feel it the next day. I even had a down day - but I still did my 100s (crunches, lunges, squats and push ups). I should clarify, it's 100 of each - except push-ups; I just do as many of those as I can (currently at 36).
I think the bitter reality is that I can only easily hit the gym 3 days a week but a 4-5 days each week is a good stretch but still manageable. What I'm trying to decide now is do I switch my schedule to the 4-5 days now to get myself into that habit before it's March? Or do I wait until March? And yes, it is important that I think , er OVERthink, this NOW. Do you actually expect me to go along not thinking about every move I make today and tomorrow and next Wednesday and the 3rd Monday of March? You must not know me at all!
But this also gets me started thinking about March's Challenge. Last month I think I started focusing on this month to avoid dealing with that month. But this time it's because I'm feeling really good about the progress and changes. I'd prefer that I had more time for the gym, but I don't. I love to go and I do when I can. So now it's time for my mind to start planning for what comes next.
Yes, this is my problem and I'll gladly own it. I cannot just sit and be. It's funny because I was just complaining that I really want to be left alone to just DO my job instead of always thinking about what project is next, what expansion to plan, what to improve and how to improve it. But here I am saying I DON'T want that same system in my personal life. I WANT to push hard, think about what's next, not just sit and be. Somehow I want a break at work and can't stand a break at home. Maybe I can't allow myself to enjoy things? If so, why is that? So, wait. I should spend a little more time on this Challenge and really making it all I can make it. And helping me ARMY IT UP ("Be all I can be" for those who don't understand my highly-cryptic, yet hilarious sense of humor).
Maybe I should stop thinking about what's next and refocus all my over-thinking onto this month ...
Because I'm feeling like such a Master today, I need to spice up my workouts. I need to find some new creative ways to get cardio - in the gym and out. I think I will push myself to up the workout to 45 minutes each and every third one needs to be something new. Creative Cardio we'll call it. That could be
Yeah ... that's enough for now. I clearly don't have focus. I'm all over the place. I need to move on with my day and come back when I can string more than HALF of ONE thought together.
Should I run home or walk home or skip home or crawl home or ... |
But this also gets me started thinking about March's Challenge. Last month I think I started focusing on this month to avoid dealing with that month. But this time it's because I'm feeling really good about the progress and changes. I'd prefer that I had more time for the gym, but I don't. I love to go and I do when I can. So now it's time for my mind to start planning for what comes next.
Yes, this is my problem and I'll gladly own it. I cannot just sit and be. It's funny because I was just complaining that I really want to be left alone to just DO my job instead of always thinking about what project is next, what expansion to plan, what to improve and how to improve it. But here I am saying I DON'T want that same system in my personal life. I WANT to push hard, think about what's next, not just sit and be. Somehow I want a break at work and can't stand a break at home. Maybe I can't allow myself to enjoy things? If so, why is that? So, wait. I should spend a little more time on this Challenge and really making it all I can make it. And helping me ARMY IT UP ("Be all I can be" for those who don't understand my highly-cryptic, yet hilarious sense of humor).
Maybe I should stop thinking about what's next and refocus all my over-thinking onto this month ...
Because I'm feeling like such a Master today, I need to spice up my workouts. I need to find some new creative ways to get cardio - in the gym and out. I think I will push myself to up the workout to 45 minutes each and every third one needs to be something new. Creative Cardio we'll call it. That could be
- Running the lake (I hate running something serious, but at least it's not running on a effing treadmill)
- Kickboxing
- Boxing (these two would come in handy on many a day)
- Moving - maybe I'll open a side business where someone pays me to carry their boxes of pillows and cotton balls across the street. Nothing too strenuous - more of a supplemental moving company.
- Mmm ... flat out of ideas. What is my problem?
Yeah ... that's enough for now. I clearly don't have focus. I'm all over the place. I need to move on with my day and come back when I can string more than HALF of ONE thought together.
(oh, Jesus, that was such a mistake.)
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