Saturday, September 7, 2013

UnChallenged - or is it HyperChalleneged?

This has been a particularly CHALLENGED time in my life. There are days where I feel the hits just keep coming. There are days where I feel the ultimate relief has come along. In either case - in both cases - I'm certain of one thing: I am in need of a reset. 

To that, I have decided one week into this month's Challenge, that I need to stop and reboot. I'm in a life-place that requires a little more introspection before moving forward. It isn't the right time for me to "not eat out," "only wear 10 items of clothing the whole month," or "job 10 miles every day before the sun rises." Tongue-in-cheek a little of myself there, but the truth is I need a little bit more basic level Challenge. 

Since Memorial Day weekend, I have been in an almost-constant state of emotional taxation. There have been work issues, relationship issues, family issues, mental issues, health issues, children's health issues, issues with my friends and their lives ... it seems that just as I'm rounding the bend on one, the next is upon me. I have felt at my breaking point at a couple of key moments, but I know in all truth that I am stronger than that. I won't break. But in order not to drag myself through dirt and strife and turmoil, especially unnecessarily so, I must reset. So ... 

For the rest of this month, my Challenge is to put checks next to each item on my RestMyLife To-Do List.
  • Find and hire a financial manager so that I can begin to make some financial  plans (home ownership, big-girl traveling and teenage automobile purchases);
  • Begin our family on an anti-inflammatory diet to improve the health of my middle child given her recent health concerns;
  • Set some goals for myself for the next year and determine what I need to do to get there and then get to gettin';
  • Figure out where we are going to be living when this lease is up in the next couple of months and then get that all in order; 
Etc., but you get the point. 

Now, where is my pencil ...

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