Sunday, March 25, 2012

#29: Uncaffeinated, Unmedicated and Dishonest. But not for long.

During my 7453rd meeting at a coffee shop this month, I decided I could indulge. I ordered a decaf latte and almost died over the flavor. It had been SOOOOO long. *sigh* But the next day I got the worst headache. I'm now beginning to wonder if it was decaf or not? Or maybe there is truth to the rumors I have heard that decaf is never truly 100% uncaffeinated. Either way, that was the end of that because whatever the reason, I shouldn't be having caffeine withdrawal. But, it did remind me that I can't wait to drink a vanilla latte from Starbuck or Coffee Bean. Can. Not. Wait. 

Otherwise, this week has been psychotically hectic and chaotic. Work has been out of control. I haven't had time once this week to actually finish everything I had to do. I even worked today, just to try to get ahead a little. I love being busy at work - definitely prefer it to being bored - but it's possible that I'm too busy. I know for some of you that will sound like someone else is writing this because I never say that, but seriously. 

I also suffered my way thru a four-day long headache that even my neurologist couldn't figure out. But he did decide - right after announcing that he's retiring from private practice in SIX WEEKS and taking a travelling job - to start me on a new preventative medication. According to him there are 15 different ones and I've been on 4 or 5 now, so hopefully that means we have an answer soon? Bad news was that I have to be on the medication for 6 weeks before it can technically be determined to be a "failed medication" so let's all pray that it works because another month and a half of this will kick my ass. 

But as far as the actual challenge of no caffeine goes, it's been a piece a cake. Once it wan't miserable, at least. Altho last night I really REALLY wanted a Coke. But it isn't that I need caffeine or am having any withdrawal or misery, it's just that I miss coffee and the occasional Cherry Coke Zero. So this is when I get to the part of the month where I'm just BORED! I can't wait until the month is over.

And when this month is over, I will be 25% of the way thru the entire year of Challenges. Go 'head!!!

Of course, that means I have to be ready for the next Challenge. I've been thinking about it a lot and I'm ready. I've already decided on the next Challenge and now it's just time to start researching resources so get thru. And I can definitely promise that the Challenge will challenge me for the whole month - and I may be more miserable than when I went carb-free. ACK! Only 6 days to go. 

So the big news - I got engaged. WHAT!!!! I know, I know. Actually, for anyone who knows me well, this is probably quite a shock on general principal, much less the specific circumstances. And I stupidly decided the way to let everyone know was to change my relationship status on Facebook and then announce it in a post. Why in God's name would I do it that way??  Well, we've been dating very quietly - wanting to keep it for ourselves and enjoy the relationship without having to answer questions to people about it all. But then when it was time to move to the next step, i was kind of in a hole. How do I tell people and then tell them it's The One? But we've talked more than once about how I don't have the "I-want-to-get-married-gene" so there was no surprise when I said, "What's the point of a long-engagement? If we are getting married, let's get married. I don't need any of the rest of it." So we decided to just get it done. We knew we wanted a small private ceremony anyway. So it's us and the kids. Period. 

But because I have been convinced by others that this is an opportunity for others to celebrate with us, we will have a party. Promise. Just not now. For now, it's just a chance for us to make it legal and then move on with our life together. 

Of course, I can't just do nothing for Saturday, so I'm getting the kids outfits tomorrow and I'll find mine too. And I have to find a bouquet - not because I care about having flowers there, but I want to have the dried ones for posterity. And our "honeymoon" is one night away from everyone in whatever hotel has the most expensive for no reason rooms here in town. :) That's what I'm talkin' about!!!!

So, next time we chat I'll be hours away from being married. Or as one of my friends calls it, "an honest woman." WEEEEEYYYUUURRRDDD!!!!

HAHAHAHA ... Shhhh ... Don't tell him!!!

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