Tuesday, September 17, 2013


I think I'm going to find myself in trouble as I try to manage two blogs, both about the Challenges in my life. This one really about my Challenges, those of the 30-day-at-a-time Variety. The other about life, mental health, motherhood. But both about my life and its daily, regular, struggle-filled challenges. 

So, what now? How do I go about combining the Blogs so that I'm only writing one? Yes, well. That is the problem. And for now, the solution is that I'm going to redirect all of my awesome, supportive, peruse-me-on-a-regular-basis readers to my Tumblr blog: If I'm Being Honest ...

I hope to see you there ...

Friday, September 13, 2013

It's On!

This family will be UN-inflamed in no time. 

Today's pantry and refrigerator "re-org" (as we call it in the non-profit world) is going to turn our kitchen into a Maya-friendly place. I give the boys until Sunday before they are begging me to go buy chips. 

I should start by telling you that one of my anti-snacking tips is that I only buy snacks the kids like that i DON'T so that I can't graze throughout the evening or on the weekends. Now, because I need to restock with anti-inflammation and gluten-free foods, my kitchen will be filled with EATS I love to eat. So now I'm going to have to find a new way to avoid snacking. :-/

Some of what's about to go down ...

  • Trading Fruit-By-The-Foot for DRIED FRUIT
  • Trading traditional pasta for QUINOA, QUINOA PASTA & WHOLE WHEAT PASTA
  • Trading coffee for TEA
  • Trading ice cream, cookies, candy for DARK CHOCOLATE
  • Trading Fiber One & granola bars for HOMEMADE OATMEAL SNACK BARS
  • Trading breads for WRAPS
...and Maya's personal nightmare ...
  • Trading Homemade Cupcakes for HOMEMADE GLUTEN-FREE CUPCAKES

I am determined to make this easier on Maya than it feels like it will be at first glance. And, I'm determined to make yummy foods that make her feel better and, if I do it right, have NO ONE missing the old food. 

I will be sure to share recipes I've made and the kiddo reviews on them.