Tuesday, July 31, 2012

#45: Success Has Taken A Silent Turn This Month

I had a feeling that writing a letter each day and doing an intense workout program that requires 60-90 minutes of exercise a day would leave me little energy or time for blogging. Boo to that because I like to blog. It really helps me get my thoughts out, processed and gathered. 

So, I'm going to take that into August as part of the August Challenge. 

Most important thing I have to remember to mention: what's different from the lack of blogging in July than in May, and even June? I have been busy and worn out from doing really well in my challenges this month and have not done well at making time to blog. In the past, the absence was due to a lack of success that I didn't want to face. For that, I'm proud. 

So, let's recap:
July Challenged me to write letters, once a day. I think I did well at that. I missed a few days here and there, but I didn't skip the letter, instead, I just wrote two the next day. I did falter at the mailing of those letters somewhat, however. i.e. There will be a good 8 people receiving theirs in the next week because I have forgotten to mail the ones I've been writing since last weekend. Brilliant. And everyday I've said "TODAY I'm going to mail that one/two.three and today's." And then I didn't. Repeatedly. Best part: I even bought a roll of stamps to prevent the issue. Good Lord my follow through is lacking! 

But writing those letters was good for me. It was nice to make contact with people, because I'm really not good at it. 90% of the letters were filled with positive things I wanted to say to the person and it's always nice to say and hear good things to good people. The ones that had some harder things to say were also well worth it because they ended up being very therapeutic. 

July was also the first 30 days of P90x. Holy hell, that shit is HARD. I'd say that in many ways I was incredibly successful, in some ways I was more successful that I expected of myself, even In a few ways, however, I wasn't as successful as I'd like to be. But overall, I worked hard on giving myself a break and just keeping myself going, continuing to push myself, even when I didn't do my best. 

If I was being honest, I was worst at 2 things about P90x this month:
1) Exercising every day was sometimes more than my body or my schedule would allow. It took me 31 days to complete 28 days of workouts which means than each week I took a second day off. And I needed it in every one of those days. 
2) Pushing myself through the exhaustion. There were days that I had no energy and was so tired and instead of pushing my mind through that, I gave in to the excuse and cut the workouts short. And yes, I said that right, my MIND. Because I know that my body was tired, exhausted, run down, but it would have made it through. It was my MIND that I couldn't push. 

But being able to say both of those out loud to myself - which I did about 10 days ago and then really shifted my mind - makes all the difference. I will be making my mental toughness priority #1 this month. It will make all the difference to be able to push my mind through when my body is tired. But those are the only real downsides, I believe. 

Generally, I love P90x. The motivation I get from seeing the day-to-day success is really important for me. Being able to do more reps, more resistance, get farther into an exercise, complete a whole workout and do things more intensely shows me I'm making progress and it keeps me working. 

Losing inches makes a huge difference, too. Today I took my weight and measurements for the 30 day mark and it's pretty damn good. I have lost 5 total pounds including lots of fat added to gained muscle. I'm lost almost 14 inches from around my body which is AWESOME! Just goes to show how much tightening my body had to do. :) 

Most impressively in the inches has been that I've lost 2 /12 inches in my high waist, chest and hips. I've lost 3 1/2 inches across my midsection and another 3 3/4 inches between my thighs and arms. I. WILL. TAKE. IT. I can't wait to see that total inches lost number be closer to 30! :) And, of course, I'm hoping this next 30 days will bring a loss of at least 10 pounds, but we'll see, right? I don't want to set myself up for disappointment by any means by having unrealistic goals. 

The fun part is that tomorrow starts the next 30 days - or 4 weeks, really. That means a different set of exercises, including a few that I haven't had to do yet. Good for my attention span, in particular, as I was beginning to get a little bored. And also new nutrition plan. Again, good for the boredom that was multiplying towards the food I was eating. Looking forward to new foods, different meals, new recipes, different portions. 

Some of the best things this month, however, have had nothing to do with my efforts in my July Challenges. The relationship with The Mister has been amazing! We are in a great place, and I'm more in love with him than I ever have been. Throughout my work in this, especially P90x and nutrition, he has been amazing, caring, supportive, encouraging. It has made such a difference to know that he has my back. He is most definitely the love of my life. My Love. 

Also, my kids have been great. They give me space to do my workouts, they do some with me, they eat the food and make efforts to be more conscious of their nutrition and health. They are an amazing group of kids, all wise and caring and funny beyond their years. But this month has really illuminated that for me. The Princess even got involved in the letter-writing, herself writing 5 letters to people to tell them how much she loves them. Sweet!

I really love and am feeding off the changes and improvements I'm seeing in myself and therefore, my relationships. It's such a great force and momentum to move into the next month with. 

So: grades for July!

P90X: B+


Let's talk about August, now. 

Again, I plan to have more than one Challenge. I don't think it hurts to push myself in more ways than one and each of them have their benefits and challenges for me. So ...


  1. I will continue with the next phase of P90x workouts and nutrition in August with my big goal for it being to not take any "EXTRA" days off. 
  2. I will blog at least twice a week. I need this, I feel guilty when I neglect it, and without letters to write, I need an outlet. 
  3. (The BIG Challenge) I will try something new each day. 
Let's focus on the 3rd one because the other two are self-explanatory. 

I am very good at being comfortable, getting into a groove and habits and routine. And while some of that is very necessary for my sanity and success in each day and in my life, some of it is about what's easier, what takes less effort, what pushes me less. And I want to try things that I haven't tried. 

(As always, taking suggestions from the peanut gallery for new things I can do. Anything is possible - big and little.)


Friday, July 6, 2012

#44: Weight Loss of Mobility

Which is more important? I lost 3.5 pounds in the first 3 days from working out and eating the right amount of the right things. I also could barely move. Or roll over in bed. Or sit.

I'm going to go with the getting healthy. It must out "weigh" the other shit, right? Besides, the pain can't last forever. I'm sure my body will get used to it. Right??

Yeah, Cat, probably on Day 92. 

So today is day 5 and I'm doing ... good. It's a mix of the parts where I'm doing really good and the parts where I'm doing not-so good. 

1. I've done the workouts all 5 days.
2. I did the entire shoulders/arms + ab ripper x on the first try.
3. I'm enjoying how it feels to do the work. 
4. I like the food - some of it is even REALLY good.
5. I've found a good mix of ingredients to make the chocolate Shakeology bearable. 
6. My cravings are really minimal if they are there at all. 
7. I only have one more day of workout and then I get a rest day. Which I need. 
8. Monday I get to prove to myself that I will improve on each exercise each week.

Not-So Upsides:
1. I cannot eat all that food. It's crazy. 
2. I'm exhausted. The kid of exhausted where people keep asking me if I'm okay. 
3. I cannot sleep enough. But I don't have time to sleep enough.
4. I haven't finished 4 of the 5 workouts this week.
5. I sometimes I can't move my muscles or body parts. 

Yep - the Upsides are almost more then double the Not-So Upsides. NICE. 

I know for damn sure that this is pushing me as much mentally as it is physically right now. I have wanted to say "Eff It" the last two days but I have made myself do it. And I'm so tired that I don't know how to explain it. I had to go home from work yesterday early afternoon and take a 3-hour nap so that I could go to an evening work event. I've slept more hours a night for the past 5 days than I have in years and yet I'm still worn-the-hell out. It's ridiculous, really. 

But I am loving that my kids are doing it and that the kids and The Mister are eating the same food that I need to. It's nice to feel the support and love and solidarity. I appreciate it!

Hopefully I survive the next few days so that I can write again. 


Speaking of writing again, I've been writing my letters-a-day too. Not to be overshadowed by P90X. 

I don't want to share much of what's actually being written and for the most part, I'm not sure how much of WHO I'm writing is necessary information either. But I have appreciated getting to write to people, even if it isn't the deepest, most meaningful letter every time. 

I will say tho that I wrote one to each of my children at the suggestion of one of my uncles and that was an amazing, cathartic thing for me to do. Gotta love those munchkins. 

Monday, July 2, 2012

#43: How Am I Supposed to Lift Weights When My Arms Are Made of Jelly??

Have you done P90X? Have you made it through all 90 days? 

At a happy hour get-together, one of the guys I work with - who used to be a personal trainer - said he knew other trainers who'd done P90X and they hadn't made it to the end. I'm not going to lie - my reaction was "Oh, sounds like a Challenge. I'm all over that." And I set out to do all 90 days. No backing down. 

Then I did the first work out. 

Holy Crap. 

That mess is NO JOKE. 

So, for those of you who have no context for this program, it has a couple different components:
1) Intensive workouts that switch up daily to keep your body guessing and keep it from plateauing;
2) Portion controlled, well-balanced, healthy meals;
3) Supplemental shakes to help manage cravings and keep the right balance of nutrients in your body.

I mean, what the hell. 

Here are my truths: I grew up an athlete. I get into working out and I love a good sweat. I'm out of shape. I'm overweight. 

Given all of that, working out is usually a mentally tough thing for me and something that challenges me physically, but that I also LOVE love LOVE. Well, not this. This workout was a killer and I only finished 30 minutes of the 51-minute workout. Biggest fail, tho? I couldn't even do ONE incline push-up. Really? I could do diamond and military and wide and traditional, but not a single incline? FAIL. 

My goal is to DO every exercise in the workout the next time thru (Day 8), even if I can't do ALL of each exercise. Oh, and at least one effing incline.    *sheesh*

By the way, as I'm lying here typing, my shoulders and abs are sore. Guess it's working. 

Loving this. 

The nutrition piece was one of the reasons I decided to go all in on this plan. What I've found about my nutrition is that I know the rules and what is and isn't good for me, but I don't eat enough of most things so my body is worried about starvation mode. 

The other issue I have is that I really love protein and veggies meaning that my body often craves sugars that I don't really like because I'm not feeding myself any. So then it's 9 at night, my body is dying for sugars and I find myself eating Nutella by the spoonful because it's the only sugar in the house I can barely stand. 

So this plan gives me two options - preplanned meals for the whole day, week-after-week; or a proportion plan that you fix for yourself. I'm starting with the preplanned meals because it takes the guesswork out of the whole thing for me. And until I have a better idea of how much I'm supposed to eat and what combinations and what foods at what part of the day, I don't wanna mess that up. 

But I have to say that so far, I'm so full that I can't eat all the food. Ain't that somethin'.

This might be the BEST part. 

Not that they taste amazing - at all - but they do wonders to get me all the fruits I need, the vitamins, superfoods, and have really curbed my cravings. 

Uh ... SOLD. 

I am looking forward to the one-week weigh in. Not that weight-loss is the #1 goal, because it's really about being healthy and feeling good, but ... come on, it's really just about the weight loss. 


I have to also mention the letters. Man, it is hard to write a letter after writing all day for work and writing in my blog at night and then all the other little things in between. You know, like work, eating, feeding, working out, driving my kids around, etc., etc., etc., blah, blah, blah. 

But I am enjoying it and it feels good to be in communication with people in such a non-technological, heart-felt way. 

Sunday, July 1, 2012

#42: What's the Answer to a Bad Grade? Take More Classes.

The problem with this Challenge was that I was BORED out of my mind. 

B O R E D!!

It wasn't that I wasn't working on it, but I was not super enthusiastic about it. And between my boredom and my exhaustion, I wasn't really into writing about it. If you remember, I decided to Challenge myself in June with completing projects I had started or wanted to start and not gotten to. What I can say about that looking back is that most of the items on that list is that they were there because I really didn't care that much about them, they weren't important enough for me to prioritize and/or they are a part of something bigger that I am struggling with.  Let's review:

  • Read the 3 books that I've started in the past 6 months and not finished: 
    • DONE and I read an extra 3 books.       
    • A+
  • Set up my sewing table.
    • Well, I tried twice to set up my sewing area and both times I ran into table issues. But then The Mister bought me one for my birthday. It isn't set up, however. That is having to wait an extra couple of days until this weekend. 
    • C+
  • Finish the sewing project pile I started when I decided to become a "sewing machinist."
    • Given the above, this hasn't happened at all. Bonus is that the pile is larger now. Maybe July will be my lucky sewing month. They have those, right?
    • F+ (because I wanted to, I swear)
  • Kick start my weight-loss goals by losing 10 pounds.
    • I went after this one, but I will admit I wasn't fully successful. I lost 5 pounds, which is good and better than some people can do in a month, but I know I can do better. More on that "doing better" later.   
    • B-
  • Organize the garage. 
    • This didn't happen. This falls into the category of just not that high on my priority list. In the big picture, I want the garage to be organized and cleaned. However ... I don't spend a lot of time in my garage so if it doesn't happen, it's not killing me. I have made some progress tho. I've tossed out a large amount of garbage and recycling items that were sitting in there and got 2 new shelves for it. Maybe one of these days I will actually get around to the organization effort.
    • D
  • Buy and install wall shelves for the kids' rooms. 
    • Nope. Didn't happen. Didn't even really try. Thought I wanted to get this done, but when it came down to it, dozens of other things going on in my life matter much more. 
    • F
  • Frame the photos I printed. 
    • Done. Phew. Thank goodness there was a second one that I got to say I did. I was beginning to worry. 
    • A+
  • Hang the photos I framed (above and the other 12 sitting in my room for the last 6 months).
    • I hung a few in one area but none in the other. Honestly, all I've really done is create a larger pile of framed pictures that I still haven't put up. 
    • C+ 
  • Create a gym calendar and then do what it says. 
    • Half done. Half not. This is one that falls into the category of things that are part of a bigger failing I'm struggling with. More on my way to deal with this later. 
    • C
  • Move the extra items out of the kids' rooms.
    • We did a big chunk of this, took a break and then never got back to it. That was a matter of weeks ago. So annoyed with myself. 
    • B
  • Set up the arts & crafts table and area for the kids. 
    • Well, since I didn't get around to organizing the garage, you can probably guess that this fell the way of that also. You're correct if you made that guess. Not that it matters much - the 108 degree temps around here this week would make working in the garage stupid. Let's make that the reason, ok??
    • F
The average of those grades gives me the June Challenge score. And that score is: C-

Wow. That sucks. I knew I didn't ace this one, but C-?? Ewww.

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .

. . .  I'm suddenly feeling a little off track with all of this. I've had a few months in a row of failing or under performing these Challenges. I don't expect to be pulling straight A's, but I'm not loving the fact that I seem to be slipping off the path of working on myself, working on things that I struggle with to start with, working on little changes one at a time. 

I think I need to refocus on the things that really Challenge me mentally, physically, and spiritually. Honestly, I'd rather fail but have stretched myself for 30 days, than to pass it because it's too easy or succeed with ease but be bored by it.

So ... on that note ...


For July I've decided it's best to give myself two Challenges. This reaction isn't that surprising from me - I never did as well in college when I have a light load as I did when I took extra credits. I never get projects done before the last minute if I have too much freetime, but give me a packed schedule and it's all done, on time ahead of time, and high quality. I'm just better with too much to do than too little. And I've learned to embrace that reality.  

So this month, two Challenges: One - a true Challenge of my mind, my body and my heart. The second - to give myself some motivation and focus towards doing better at something I regret being bad about. 

July Challenge A:     30 STRAIGHT DAYS OF P90X

One of the things I've done over the last week was to get working on my health. I recognize that I'm carrying around more weight than I want to, more weight than I feel good about, more weight than looks good, and more weight than is healthy. 

Part of what I want to focus on is my eating. I know the food rules and I more than know what is good for me and what isn't. What I consistently struggle with is eating for the wrong reasons or under eating. My body is either having to process food it isn't used to or isn't good for it, or it is trying to figure out if I'm sending it into starvation mode. Sometimes I feel like if I look at a warm chocolate chip cookie, I gain 5 pounds. :) 

I decided on P90X for 2 reasons - 1) it comes with 2 nutrition plans that are manageable and user-friendly; and 2) the workout routine is constantly changing and I get bored SO EASILY!!!

So I've collected all of the things I need to, read all about what to expect/what to do/what not to do. And I'm off and running. I've already started the meal replacement once a day with Shakeology. (Hint: Chocolate - NO, Green - YES, looking forward to trying the Vegan fruit one next.) I've stocked my fridge with the foods I need to make the meals. I've purchased the kitchen scale so that I know what 3 oz is - and I've been surprised to see how wrong I was about what 3 oz is. JEEZ. 

I've heard that most people don't finish it - and I've been told that under the guise of "So don't feel bad if you too don't complete it." Uh, fuck you. All I need is to be told I can't or won't. Haters. So I decided my best way towards finishing 90 days is to get the first 30 under my belt. 

Basically, the riles to this are simple:
  • Follow the exercise routine (using the DVDs, using the post-workout tips, using the routines given even on the off/down days)
  • Follow the portion controls (this could mean that I'm making the exact meals listed or just the right portions)

I've considered whether to blog my P90X experience here or start a separate blog to focus on that. So far, I'll be doing it as part of this. We'll see how this goes. 



I am way WAY WAY out of touch with my friends and family. I fell too busy to find time for talking on the phone, or texting even, most days. Finding the time to correspond is really outside my schedule. 

But the people I don't talk to has nothing to do with my value of them or my love for the people in my life. 

I've brought this Challenge up in the past and some great ideas for who to write letters to have come forward so somewhere in the month of July are letters to:
  • Each of my children
  • My father
  • My grandmother 
  • My grandpa
  • Childhood friends
The rules for writing are: they must be written letters/cards/postcards/notes. They can NOT be emails, texts, FB messages. That means that when I have a letter for someone, I have to get their address and mail it. GASP!!

If you want on the list, just let me know :)


So, this will be a busy, Challenging month that will probably test me and make me grow BIG TIME. 

Love it, Bring it, Let's go!!!